Ashington Blyth & Tyne Line

I spent a long time this morning speaking to a journalist from Modern Railway who are planning an article on the re-opening for their February issue. The article will include the Council’s current position as to where we are up to and hopefully quite a bit of input from SENRUG too. It will be in their February issue – available in the shops from last week of January so do look out for it. By the way, did you know that Northumberland County Council have decided to re-christen the line “The Northumberland Line”? Perhaps they had a premonition that the DfT think it’s in County Durham and were seeking to make a pre-emptive strike. What about following London’s Crossrail example of naming the line after a Royal, thus giving would be passengers absolutely no idea as to where it goes? On this basis, perhaps The Megan Line would be a good idea. No, for the moment we’ll stick with Ashington Blyth & Tyne, though seriously, we don’t care what it’s called provided we get trains running on it soon.

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