North East Rail Re-openings

Railfuture asked me to take part in a short BBC TV interview on rail re-openings in the North East, to be broadcast on the Sunday Politics show. Filming was at Bedlington Station, my location of choice for such events, and yes, a freight train obligingly passed whilst we were filming. Speaking on behalf of Railfuture (rather than SENRUG) my brief was to cover other schemes such as the Leamside Line in Durham, a new station at Team Valley and so on, and not just the Ashington Blyth & Tyne line, so I gemmed up on all this too. But those who saw the very short clip (which as yet I have not seen myself) have told me that everything other than what I said on the AB&T was edited out. So apologies to all those Railfuture guys who sent me briefing material – I did use it – but have no control over where the editor’s chop might fall.