Northumberland Line – Still Saying “Summer”

No date has been announced as yet, but Councillors assure me they are still expecting the grand re-opening to be this “summer”. It was however acknowledged some time ago that “summer”, in this context, might include the month of September. There are apparently still some technical issues, so can’t be totally certain as yet, and of course it’s standard practice in large projects such as this that any date must be 100% confirmed by all the construction parties involved before being released to the public. But let’s sit tight, avoid and ignore rumours and speculation, and wait for a date to be announced soon. Also, just to clarify again, on day 1, trains won’t be calling at Bedlington, Bebside and Northumberland Park but will be running from Ashington to Newsham, Seaton Delaval and in to Newcastle, with approximately alternate trains calling at Manors. The outstanding stations should come on stream soon after the first tranche re-opening.

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