First passenger train runs on 15th December 2024, leaving Newcastle at 07:57 and arriving at Ashington 08:31, with an intermediate…
The Project Team finally concede the previous target date for the re-opening of “Summer 2024” will not be achieved and…
Secretary of State for Transport Mark Harper gives final authority for re-opening the line at a ceremony at the Newsham…
Transport and Works Act Order for the Northumberland Line approved by Secretary of State, following the 4 week public enquiry…
Still no final announcement on funding, but weekend level crossing closures at a number of sites indicate serious track upgrade…
Planning permission for Newsham Station is granted. With Bebside having being granted in January, planning consent for all 6 stations…
Transport and Works Act Order Enquiry starts at Blyth Civic Centre and is expected to last 4 weeks. Meanwhile, planning…
Northern Railway ran a series of special familiarisation trains round the line to Bedlington, then diverting to Morpeth before reversing…
Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) submitted. This is a formal legal application to the Secretary of State to open…
The government announces a funding package for The Northumberland Line of £34m towards the total cost of £166m. This will…