Please consider joining SENRUG. The more people we speak for, the louder our voice is heard. Click to go to our Join Us page.
But if you wish to campaign directly yourself, we say below how to find the contact details you need. Letters or emails should be brief and courteous; make sure the key idea comes across well, don’t get sidetracked into tangents, and be sure to put forward clear reasons as to why whoever you are approaching should take the action you suggest.
Make sure you are approaching the right organisation. Is the issue you are raising about government policy, local authority policy, or day to day train operations?
Contact details for The Train Companies and Network Rail are given on our Complain page. Links to websites for other organisations are given below. Clicking on these links will open a new webpage in your browser, on top of the SENRUG page.
Northumberland County Council
Your Elected Representative (MP or Local Authority Councillor)
This depends on where you live. Use the website www.theyworkforyou.com to find your MP or Local Authority Councillor.
National Rail or Transport Campaign Organisations
Better Transport
Other Rail User Groups In This Area
Alnmouth Rail User Group
Tyne Valley Rail User Group
If you would like details of your organisation to be added here, or if your organisation is listed but we have your details wrong, please use our Contact page to email SENRUG (send your request to the Chair) saying what your organisation does and your contact numbers